Program - ITAPA 2019 International Congress
Kristína Londáková, Behavioural Insights Team
This panel will present global trends that affect life in Europe in a significant way. Gradual restructuring of the labor market, automation and disappearing professions are current challenges that countries are facing and Slovakia is no exception to it. The increasing importance of data will create new opportunities as well as threats. While development has been traditionally measured through purely economic indicators, data are becoming the „oil“ of the future. Are there more effective tools that can offer a truer picture of development? Along with the advent of new technologies, new dilemmas are emerging. Are we ready for the ethical challenges associated with the gradual introduction of artificial intelligence into the normal functioning of our lives?
Daniel Donoval, ECSEL
Ján Mikolaj, Asseco Central Europe
Peter Kucer, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
Emanuel Darmanin, Malta Information Technology Agency
Peter Kováč, Aliter Technologies
Mikuláš Strelecký, InterWay
Marian Šimegh, National Health Information Center
Michaela Kollárová, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization
Gabriel Galgóci, American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, Center for Artificial Intelligence (CUI)
Adrian Vyčítal, IPM Group
Matej Stuška, O2 Slovakia
Vladimír Bužek, Slovak Academy Of Science
Juraj Pavlovič, Tachyum
Róbert Gálik, Atos IT Solutions and Services
Smart City has become a phrase commonly used by politicians, experts and mayors. The term „Smart“ has different connotations, starting from smart benches to more comprehensive ones that involve the complexity of the city management ecosystem, data management, analytics and deployment of IoT solutions. This panel offers a cross-section of successful smart projects that were successfully implemented into practical life.
In the context of the 2020 parliamentary elections and the escalating preparation of the new programming period, key actors of relevant political parties will be given the opportunity to present their own vision of effectively building a digital state. The Roundtable debate is not only intended to highlight the different political approaches of individual political parties but also to find a consensus about strategic political decisions. Parties with a real chance to form a new government will discuss the nature of political decisions that will be implemented in a period of eight years.
Lucia Kondáš, ITAPA
Richard Sulík, SASKA
Alojz Hlina, Leader of political party KDH
Marek Antal, Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic